Health Check Mentor
Government commitments in the NHS Long Term Plan 2019 identified the ambition to tackle obesity, alcohol and smoking.
The recent coronavirus pandemic has raised the profile and importance of tackling these risk factors and has also exposed longstanding inequalities affecting BAME groups in the UK.
Additionally, economic disadvantage has always had a strong association with the prevalence of smoking, obesity, diabetes, hypertension and their cardio-metabolic complications.
The NHS Health Check programme aims to prevent heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and raise awareness of dementia. This is achieved through early identification and management of certain risk factors.
Mortality statistics from COVID-19 have identified the increased risks for individuals with diabetes, hypertensive diseases, chronic kidney disease and dementia. Never before has the NHS Health Checks service appeared more relevant or important in its role in identifying these cardiovascular disease risk factors, addressing health inequalities and preventing long term conditions.
During this challenging time, the NHS and its partners have had to review and change delivery of its services, whilst also putting NHS Health Checks on pause. This time has resulted in the rapid adoption of digital technology across the NHS and clearly highlights the huge benefits of online learning, both in relation to maintaining social distancing and effectively keeping professionals informed of rapidly changing national guidance.
In partnership with Karen Davies, Inspire4Change (Vascular and Diabetes Nurse Specialist), Onclick have been delivering effective online training for NHS Health Check providers for the past 5 years.
This year, we have completely revamped our course delivery for a fully mobile responsive experience, meaning users can access the digital learning via desktop, tablet or mobile.
Our content has now been updated in accordance with latest NHS Health Check best practice guidance (March 2020) and NHS Health Check Competency Framework (July 2020). We have also integrated lots of helpful learning in relation to the current COVID-19 pandemic.
“I am delighted to be content lead for Health Check Mentor and believe this digital offer can help support commissioners and providers to be confident and competent in service delivery.” Karen Davies, Inspire4Change.

What is Health Check Mentor?
Health Check Mentor is a vibrant, modular and mobile-friendly programme for providers of NHS Health Checks, exploring the risks and causes of cardiovascular disease, how to perform an NHS Health Check and confidently calculate and communicate risk. It is packed full of interactive activities, useful resources and helpful demonstration videos of how to best deliver an NHS Health Check.
What is included in the Health Check Mentor service?
For a cost-effective annual subscription fee for your local authority or county (based on the number of GP Practices within your area), we provide the following:
- Hosting and management
- Ongoing course updates
- Technical user Helpdesk
- Scheduled user activity reports
Users in your area can sign up to the Onclick Shop and enter their unique enrolment key for your local authority area. Their activity will then be reported on to your administrators via a monthly emailed report.
Get in touch for a 14-day trial and to find out more about the Health Check Mentor service.
What does Health Check Mentor include?
Module 1: What is NHS Health Check all About?
An introduction to NHS Health Checks; exploring the aims and eligibility criteria, the latest best practice guidance and your role and responsibilities.
Module 2: Conditions Covered in an NHS Health Check
An overview of the cardiovascular conditions covered in an NHS Health Check; exploring their causes, risk factors and effects.
Module 3: Conducting an NHS Health Check
Exploring the key stages of an NHS Health Check; how each is performed, how best to analyse the results and helpful advice to share with your clients.
Module 4: Calculating and Communicating Risk in an NHS Health Check
Exploring using the risk calculator to estimate a client’s cardiovascular risk, knowing when and where to refer and how to discuss risk and conduct motivational conversations.
Also includes:
- Assessment
- Feedback Form
- Certification
- Helpful links and resources
- Demonstration video bank

“Health Check Mentor allows our providers to refresh and update their skills, at a time suitable to them. It is cost effective for the Council, as we do not need to arrange and resource expensive off-site, update events.
For those just starting to deliver checks, it allows them to revisit aspects of the Health Check programme and ensure they feel confident in their knowledge. This support provides us with a level of reassurance.
Health Check Mentor gives us confidence that all commissioned providers are receiving the same quality and standard of training and information. The scheduled reports, showing who has accessed the tool, support our governance processes and ensures we can demonstrate the cost benefit.”
Viv Mussell
Public Health & Wellbeing Directorate
West Sussex County Council

“Health Check Mentor compliments the core training we offer a few times a year. It provides introductory training for those new to Health Checks and a refresher for those who haven’t
been on training for some time.
We promote it as an ongoing learning aid, which practitioners can dip in and out of, to refresh on any areas of the Health Check. It offers a flexible and accessible training resource for all practitioners involved in providing Health Checks, both for those new to delivery and for those with more experience.”
Hayley Martin
Health Improvement Specialist NHS Health Checks & Primary Care – Public Health Directorate
East Sussex County Council